Saturday, October 18, 2008

School project thing...

Painting I whipped up really quick for a science art project thing for school. I might redo it sometime, make it look a lot nicer... I hate really almost everything about it, but it is the only thing I have really done today. A few doodles, and a bookmark designing competition entry are the only other art things I have done today. Took me almost all day to do them though. There goes my Saturday. oh well.

... the lightning doesn't even look like lightning...


Anonymous said...

I can totally tell it's lightning, well maybe because you mentioned it but it's not like it looks like something else entirely. Also, I'd love to see the bookmark you designed.

Kelli said...

i happen to like it :)

Harry Secrett said...

The picture looks really cool, its like lightning in twilight. you're a way better artist than anyone I know anyway