Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Designs

Okey Dokey, here are a few ideas that I had for pumpkin carving. Please comment on which one you like the best. They are all numbered so you don't have to describe the one you like the best when commenting. :) I think I like number five the best, but I'm not sure. here they are:


Kelli said...

shoot rachelle you really make this hard to chose. i likee the idea for number 8. but they are all really good. hmmm, i dont know which one to pick. ill get back to you on that on that one!

Kelli said...

8,5,4,3, or 1.

sorry couldnt pick just one. haha

Riley J. said...

I like number 2 =]

Rachelle said...

:) thanks. :) Are you normally awake at four in the morning Kelli? :]

Kelli said...

haha i couldnt sleep last night.. :)

Anonymous said...

Haha you should definitely do #4!

Diana said...

They are all adorable. 8's a classic. 7 is good and scary. 5 would look so cute all lit-up. It's too hard to decide. I hope you bought a lot of pumpkins so that you can try out each one! : )

Rachelle said...

I wish I could afford that many pumpkins! It is so hard to decide which one to do! :)

Waverly Smithers and the Silencer said...

ok my fav. is 4 then 5 then 1 then 2 , but 5 is definetly the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waverly Smithers and the Silencer said...

wait!!! i meant 4 , 4 is the best!!!!